- 01. Intro
- 02. Course Map
- 03. Overview of the Miwok App
- 04. Quiz: Import an Existing Project
- 05. Checking the build.gradle file
- 06. Read MainActivity.java file
- 07. Create New Activities
- 08. The AndroidManifest.xml File
- 09. Use an Intent to Open Another Activity
- 10. Implicit vs. Explicit Intents
- 11. Modifying the Activity Name
- 12. Andrea Interview
- 13. Event Listeners in Android
- 14. Using Boxes To Explain OnClickListener
- 15. What is an Interface?
- 16. How to Create an Event Listener
- 17. Use OnClickListeners For All Categories
- 18. OnClickListener vs onClick
- 19. Eric Gonzalez Interview
- 20. Reflection